Welcome to Lv's quantum materials physics research group at University of Texas at Dallas! Our research is driven by several correlated thrusts 1) Discovery of New Quantum Materials and Energy Materials; 2)Explore, Detect and Control of Novel Quantum States down to nanoscopic level of quantized energy excitations, including spin interaction, charge correlation, orbital symmetry and lattice instability; 3)Develop new van der Waals materials down to 2D limits and their heterostructures aiming for new & enhanced electrical, magnetic, thermal, ferroelectric and multiferroic performances; 4)New CMOS-compatible WBG materials and new thermal materials aiming for heterogeneous integration of semiconductors for enhanced electronic and thermal performances. Our group is equipped with (1) advanced techniques and comprehensive facilities to synthesize highest possible quality of polycrystalline and bulk single crystals of quantum materials, (2) various tools to deposit, transfer and fabricate small scale devices; and (3) a wide spectrum of tools for experimental studies of structural, electrical transport, magnetic,and thermal properties as functions of chemical composition, temperature, magnetic field, pressure and electrical voltage; 4)various exfoliation, transfer and deposition tools to grow high quality thin films and build various device heterostructures for quantum and semiconductor research. Our current research interests are on superconducting, ultrahigh thermal conducting, topological, and two dimensional (2D) materials, while we also have broad interest to other energy-related thermoelectric, magnetic, multiferroic, electronic, and photovoltaic materials. We have also established broad collaborations with leading scientists in the US and around the world.
We Welcome highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students to join the group!! Students will be trained on various materials synthesis techniques and measurement capabilities including bulk crystal growth, film deposition,cleanroom tools, device fabrication, and low temperature transport, magnetic and thermodynamic measurements, which will enable their good placement after leaving the lab. Students will also have opportunities work on the various collaborative projects which will enhance other advanced techniques they could learn from our collaborators! Please email Prof. Bing Lv if you are interested.