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GEOS 3110 Environmental Geology Lab Course Organization

This laboratory course accompanies GEOS 3310 Environmental Geology although there is no pre- or co-requisite. Students gain hands-on experience in the field observation and measurement of processes and phenomena in environmental geology. Activities include stream and groundwater flow and chemistry measurements, hydrogeologic mapping, and environmental site assessment. Most class meetings are outdoors. For registration, the course is GEOS 3110, call number 12726 or 12763.

This summer session will meet two consecutive Saturdays, with morning and afternoon topics separated by a lunch break. The first day concentrates on ``surface water'' (streams and lakes), the second day on ``groundwater'' (subsurface water accessed in wells). The main principle of the class is to learn how to evaluate the supply and quality of water at a single site. In this era of dwindling water supplies both these topics are likely to affect you in the future. We will learn how scientists evaluate this resource, and get some practice in evaluating and interpreting such evaluations. Each task will begin with a brief indoor meeting explaining the activity, followed by the exercise itself (outdoors), finally followed by indoor discussion and analysis of results. The students will be responsible for preparing the final interpretive portion of the lab report outside lab hours. The Summer 2007 version of this course will meet wholly at the Heard Museum Science Center .

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GEOS 3110 Professor's Notes, Summer 2007
Dr. T. Brikowski, U. Texas-Dallas. All rights reserved.