Minutes of the meeting of the 'Adaptive Design Patterns for Real-time Systems'
group held on June 13, 2001.

The main aspect of this meeting was Dr. Chung's proposal for hierarchical arrangement of patterns along the conventional methods of:
1) Classification or Instantiation
2) Generalization or Specialization
3) Decomposition or Aggregation

The three methods are explained below using examples.

Classification or Instantiation:

Class Bunglow
. . .
. . .


VAR: a,b,c : Bunglow ;

Here a, b, and c are instances of 'Bunglow'. They are 3 different Bunglows.

Generalization or Specialization:

Class House
. . .
. . .


Class Bunglow inherits House
. . .
. . .

Class Igloo inherits House
. . .
. . .

Bunglow and Igloo are 'Specializations' of House. They contain all the features of a house with some possible additions.

Decomposition or Aggregation:

Class Wall
. . .
. . .

Class Door
. . .
. . .

Class Window
. . .
. . .

Class House
w : Wall;
d : Door;
o : Window;

. . .
. . .


House is an 'Aggregation' of a Door, Wall and Window. A house is made up of walls, doors, and windows in addition to some other features.