Cong Liu

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas

ECSS 4.211, UTD
Richardson, Texas
                         Office phone: (972) 883-3572

Research Assistant (RA) positions available for self-motivated PhD students. I am particularly interested in working with both 'provers' and 'hackers' (i.e., strong theory-inclined students and strong systems students). If you are interested in my research and working with me, please include some samples of your work (e.g., major projects, open source contributions, etc.) when contacting me directly (note: it is highly recommended that you read some of my recent papers to get some understanding of my research first).

For current UTD students who are interested in working with me, please stop by my office so that we can discuss and see if there is a good match.

A full list of my publications is available here.

Representative Publications