Example: Visualization of flight path simplification


The following Java applets use the Assisting Visualization Framework to visualize a path simplification algorithm. The applets visualize the same program but with different Binding XML. First applet visualizes the program using a fighter jet to traverse the simplified path while the second one uses a Boeing 747 and thickened path and vertices.

Visualization using first binding XML
Complete Binding XML for First Applet
Visualization using second binding XML
Complete Binding XML for Second Applet
Part of Binding XML for first applet (differences are marked in red) Part of Binding XML for second applet (differences are marked in green)
<TargetClass name="chainSimplification.Plane" />
<VisualObject name="PlaneVO">
<Parameter key="scale" value="0.007" />

<TargetClass name="chainSimplification.Plane" />
<VisualObject name="BoeingVO">
<Parameter key="size" value="0.3" />

<TargetClass name="chainSimplification.Path" />
<VisualObject name="LineVO" >
<Parameter key="width" value="1"></Parameter>
<Parameter key="color" value="green"></Parameter>

<TargetClass name="chainSimplification.Path" />
<VisualObject name="LineVO">
<Parameter key="width" value="2"></Parameter>
<Parameter key="color" value="blue"></Parameter>

- <ObjectMap>
<TargetClass name="chainSimplification.Vertex" />
<VisualObject name="VertexVO">
<Parameter key="scale" value="3.0" />
<Parameter key="colorGreen" value="1.0" />
Source File