Research support
- UTD PI (subcontract with UTSW Medical Center, PI Patrick Leavey) on CPRIT award "Using imaging and computational tools to improve risk stratification in children with bone cancer", 2015-2019, $1,290,442. News story.
- PI, "I/UCRC Phase I: iPerform - I/UCRC for Assistive Technologies to Enhance Human Performance", NSF IIP, 2014-2019, $325,000. News story.
- PI, "Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Assistive Technologies to Enhance Human Performance", NSF IIP, 2013-2014, $11,322.
- PI (collaborative with Lech Papiez, UTSW Medical Center), "Tumor and organs at risk
motion: an opportunity for better DMLC IMRT delivery systems", NSF CPS, 2010-2013, $286,000.
- Co-PI, Travel Support: 8th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, NSF, 2012, $20,000.
- PI, "Weighted Region Problems: Theory and Algorithms", NSF CISE-CCF, 2006-2010, $239,996.
- PI (with R. Serfling, co-PI), "Outlier identification and handling in computational geometry
problems", NSF CISE-CCF, 2004-2006, $99,972.
- Co-PI (with G. Gupta, PI, and R. Prakash, co-PI), "Resources for research in
scalable parallel computing and networking simulation", NSF CISE, 2001-2005, 63,330.
- PI, "Fast Algorithms for Computing Optimal Weighted Links and Trajectories", Clark Foundation
Research Initiation Grants, Jan.-Dec. 2002.