Honors & Awards

Honors & Awards

March 2024: Prof. Shengwang Du, 2024 Federal Research Innovation and ExpeNditures Dynamo (FRIEND), Office of Research and Innovation (ORI), UT Dallas.

September 2022: Prof. Shengwang Du is appointed to Francis S. and Maurine G. Johnson Chair. This endowed chair was established from the gift from UTD's original "first family". Dr. Francis S. Johnson was UTD's first acting president. [link]

November 2021: Alan Zanders, Physics Department TA Award, UT Dallas.

September 2019: Prof. Shengwang Du was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) “For significant contributions to photon-atom quantum interaction, including generation and manipulation of narrowband biphotons, and for the realization of efficient quantum memory, observation of optical precursors, and demonstration of nontraditional quantum heat engines.” Nominated by Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics. [link]

September 2019: Prof. Shengwang Du was elected a member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK).[link]

September 2018: Prof. Shengwang Du was elected a Fellow of The Optical Society (OSA) “for pioneering contributions in photon-atom quantum interaction, including generation and manipulation of narrowband biphotons, observation of optical precursors, and realization of nontraditional quantum heat engines”.[link][pic]