
Group News


16 July 2024: Our work of "Symmetry Protected Two-Photon Coherence Time" was published in Physical Review Letters.

24 January 2024: Our work of "Four-wave mixing with anti-parity-time symmetry in hot 85Rb vapor" was published in Applied Physics Letters.


22 August 2023: Our project of quantum sensing for live-cell imaging was funded by NSF. See NSF press release today: Quantum-scale sensors to yield human-scale benefits with new backing from NSF.

09 June 2023: Our work of "Distributed quantum computing with photons and atomic memories" was published online in Advanced Quantum Technologies and selected as the back cover of Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2023.

27 May 2023: Arunaday Guata joined the Optical Neural Network team as a PhD student from Prof Chuanwei Zhang's group. Welcome!

18 May 2023: Our work of "Single-frame deep-learning super-resolution microscopy for intracellular dynamics imaging" was published in Nature Communications.

04 May 2023: Our work of "Quantum Langevin theory for two coupled phase-conjugated electromagnetic waves" was published in Physical Review A.

17 April 2023: Our work of "Distributed quantum computing with photons and atomic memories" was published online in Advanced Quantum Technologies.

14 April 2023: UTD Investiture Ceremony for honoring faculty members holding named professorships and chairs. Congratulations to Prof. Du for holding Francis S. and Maurine G. Johnson Chair ! [See UTD news: UTD To Honor Newest Group of Endowed Chairs, Professors; UTD Celebrates Newest Class of Endowed Chairs, Professors] [Link to UTD Endowed Chairs and Professorships]

25 January 2023: Joseph Saber joined the group as an undergraduate student.


16 November 2022: Our work of "Subnanometer accuracy of surface characterization by reflected-light differential interference microscopy" was published in Measurement Science and Technology 34, 025202.

02 November 2022: Dr. Zhongzhong Qin joined the group as a Research Associate. Welcome!.

27 September 2022: Prof. Du is promoted and appointed to Francis S. and Maurine G. Johnson Chair. This endowed chair was established from the gift from UTD's original "first family". Dr. Francis S. Johnson was UTD's first acting president.

15 September 2022: UTD News: New NSF Grant to Advance Quantum Research, Education at UT Dallas

23 August 2022: We received a grant (2211989) from NSF.

15 August 2022: We received ExpandQISE grant from NSF.

08 August 2022: Manshuo Lin joined the group as a PhD graduate student.

21 June 2022: Sean Scott Smith joined the group as an undergraduate student.

08 June 2022: Christopher Li joined the group as a research assistant, and he will be a PhD graduate student starting in August.

31 May 2022: Our work of "Wavelength conversion for single-photon polarization qubits through continuous-variable quantum teleportation" was published in Physical Review A 105, 052444 (2022) .

29 April 2022: Our work of "Quantum squeezing and sensing with pseudo anti-parity-time symmetry" was published in Physical Review Letters 128, 173602 (2022) .

23 March 2022: We created the first magneto-optical trap (MOT), the coldest place at UTD.


03 December 2021: Our theoretical work of "Hybrid entanglement between optical discrete polarizations and continuous quadrature variables" was published in Photonics 8(12), 552 (2021) .

22 November 2021: Prof. Du received a grant from Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR FA9550-22-1-0043).

19 November 2021: Alan received the Physics Department TA Award. Congratulations to Alan for his achievement!

20 September 2021: The Optical Society (formerly the Optical Society of America: OSA) changed its name to Optica. OSA was founded in 1916 as the "Optical Society of America" and changed its name to "The Optical Society" in 2008. [link to]

15 September 2021: Ana Castaneda Montoya joined the group as an undergraduate student.

14 September 2021: Lennon Kirby joined the group as an undergraduate student.

08 September 2021: Lab B.171 construction is completed.

03 September 2021: Prof. Du received a grant from Department of Energy (DE-SC0022069). This is a collaborative project involving University of Texas at Dallas, College of William & Mary, Kennesaw State University, University of California Santa Cruz.[Link to DOE announcement]

25 July 2021: Prof. Du received his first NSF grant (2114076), collaborating with University of California Santa Cruz.

01 January 2021: Prof. Du joined the Department of Physics, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).


23 December 2020: Xuanying Lai arrived at UTD from Hong Kong. Welcome!

30 November 2020: Lab equipment and parts from HKUST arrived at UTD SCI building.

25 November 2020: The first group meeting at UTD via Microsoft Teams

17 November 2020: The founding student members of the new Quanutm Optiics Lab at UTD: Xuanying Lai (Graduate), Alan Zanders (Graduate), Leonard Humphrey (Undergraduate), and Ahmet Neccar (Undergraduate).

16 November 2020: Lab equipment and parts were shipped from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).