Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00pm–2:15pm

ECSS 2.203

Instructor: Emily Fox <emily.fox@utdallas.edu>

Midterm 2 and Homework 3 Solutions

Midterm 2 will be held in our normal classroom ECSS 2.203 from 1:00pm–2:15pm on Thursday, April 20th.

The exam will be closed notes and closed book. It will cover everything we discussed through the release of Homework 4, with a focus on greedy algorithms and graph algorithms up through all-pairs shortest paths. Flows and cuts will not appear on this exam.

If you would like to see the kinds of problems that typically appear in Emily's 6363 (and 4349) exams, feel free to visit his collection of past semester's websites. Nearly every exam or homework assignment given in one of her classes should be available.

On Tuesday, April 18th, Emily will hold an in-class review session. It will also be recorded as usual. The session will be student-led, so please come prepared with any questions you have about class material, homework problems, problems from the texts, problems from past exams, etc.

Also, Homework 3 Solutions are now available.