Gopal Gupta

Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas
Co-director, Center for Applied AI and Machine Learning,

Contact Information:

     Email: gupta AT utdallas DOT edu (best way to contact me)
     Tel: (972) 883 4107
     Fax: (972) 883 2399
     Office: ECSS 3.803 (CS Bldg)    (DIRECTIONS)

[Future/Recent Events] [Research Interests] [Education] [Projects] [Service][Current/Past Students] [Courses] [Miscellaneous]

New: Recent work to appear in ICLP'24new
  1. Early Validation of High-level System Requirements with Event Calculus and ASP
  2. A Reliable Common-Sense Reasoning Socialbot Built Using LLMs and Goal-Directed ASP
  3. Automating Semantic Analysis of System Assurance Cases using Goal-directed ASP
  4. A Neurosymbolic Framework for Bias Correction in Convolutional Neural Networks
New: ICLP'24 The 40th Int'l Conf. on Logic Programming will be held in Dallas in Oct'24new
New: LPNMR'24 The 17th Int'l Conf. on Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning will be held in Dallas in Oct'24new
News: The s(CASP) system is now available from within SWI-Prolog. Try it out through the SWI-Prolog Online Interface. Also available through Ciao playground.
News: ICLP'23 Invited Talk Slides click here
News: LLMs + s(CASP) == domain-specific Chatbots that can "understand" humans and interactively talk: paper  code
News: Tutorial paper on automating commonsense reasoning: click here
News: Paper on NeSyFOLD System, for symbolically explaining output of CNNs click here
News: Paper on FOLD-SE, a scalable explainable AI system: click here (FOLD-SE needs no dataset prep, is order of magnitude faster than XGBoost et al, is explainable/interpretable, and produces small no. of rules even for very large datasets). FOLD-SE is now available as a web service
News: Prolog celebrates its 50th birthday in 2022: More details here. The Prolog Heritage Association and ALP have instituted the Alain Colmeraruer Prize. Checkout my logic programming course to high-school students to celebrate; Here are two position papers that my group wrote for the 50 year celebration: Prolog: The Next 50 Years and Logic-based Explainable and Incremental Machine Learning
News: Team of PhD students Kinjal Basu, Sarat Varanasi, Fang Li, and Huaduo Wang selected for Amazon Alexa Socialbot Grand Challenge 4. read the news release
News: Recent News Releases: (i) AI for Electricity Markets; (ii) Using Drones for Warehouse Inventory; (iii) City of Richardson -- Innovation Quarters
News: Preprint of paper at AAAI 2021: Knowledge-driven Natural Language Understanding of English Text and its Applications.
News: Current funded projects: (i) CLARISSA (DARPA through Honeywell); (ii) Explainable AI (NSF); (iii) Automated HF Diagnosis (NSF); and, (iv) Goal-directed ASP (NSF) (v) Applications of Explainable AI (Atos Corp)
News: Recent papers on explainable AI, inductive learning of default theories, abductive inference, and ASP-based natural language question answering
News: The paper on Coinductive Logic Programming in ICLP 2006 by Simon, Mallya, Bansal and Gupta earns ICLP 2016 10 years Test-of-Time award

Software: FOLD-R++: An Explainable AI system for learning default rules directly from data for binary classification. Paper describing the system.
Software: FOLD-RM: An Explainable AI system for learning default rules directly from data for multi-category classification. Paper describing the system.
Software: SHAP-FOLD: An Explainable AI system for discovering the logic from models learned using statistical methods (includes source-code/documentation; re-implemented in Python)
Software: The s(CASP) System: The s(ASP) system re-engineered to include constraints. Paper describing the system.
Software: The s(ASP) System: A predicate answer set programming system (includes source code and documentation.); Paper describing the system.
Software: GALLIWASP: A goal-directed system for answer set programming (includes source code and documentation.)
Software: Metainterpreter supporting tabling (DRA) and coinduction with applications to LTL model checking
Videos of Talks new Laboratory: Applied Logic Programming-Languages and Systems (ALPS) Lab  (you can see the old lab page here)
Company: Founded (2008) Interoperate, Inc. (funded by the Texas Emerging Technology Fund)   (see recent UTD press release)
Other Activities: the E-plan system, the QOLT Lab, and the CHAMPS Project (see CHAMPS press release)  
Past Work: (See a summary of my group's research contributions here)

Research Interests:


From 1989 to 1991, I worked as a Research Associate in the research group of David H.D. Warren (of the Warren Abstract Machine fame, now retired) in the CS Department, University of Bristol, UK.

From 01/92 to 08/00, I worked as a faculty member in the Computer Science Department at New Mexico State University.

Current Projects

Support for my group has been provided by DARPA, NSF, NATO, EPA, DHS, Sandia National Labs, AITEC (Japan), Fullbright Foundation, etc.

Software Systems developed by my research group

Professional Organization Service

Past Organized Events

Students: Past and Present

Ph.D. Students

  1. Huaduo Wang, 2022, Explainable AI Algorithms for Classification Tasks with Mixed Data, Meta/Facebook.
  2. Sarat Chandra Varanasi, 2022 (co-advised with Neeraj Mittal), Automated Synthesis of Concurrent Program, GE Research
  3. Fang Li, 2022, Graph-based Commonsense Reasoning Engines, Faculty member at Oklahoma Christian University
  4. Kinjal Basu, 2022, Natural Language Question Answering based on Commonsense Reasoning, IBM TJ Watson Research Center View the thesis
  5. Farhad Shakerin, 2020, Logic-based Approaches for Explainable AI and Natural Language Understanding. Microsoft Corp. View the thesis
  6. Elmer Salazar, 2019, Proof-theoretic Foundations of Normal Logic Programs. Assistant Professor of Instruction, UT Dallas, View the thesis
  7. Mohammad Ali Ghaderi, 2017 (co-advised with Lakshman Tamil), iSono Health, Inc.
  8. Savio Monteiro, 2018 (co-advised with Lakshman Tamil), Computer Associates.
  9. Zhuo Chen, 2017, A Physician Advisory System based on ASP: Heart Failure. Postdoc Researcher at UT Dallas. View the thesis
  10. Stanley Jointer, 2016 (co-advised with Lakshman Tamil), Def-Logix, Inc.
  11. Kyle Marple, 2014, Goal-directed Answer Set Programming. Walmart Technology Labs. View the thesis
  12. Neda Saeedloei, 2011, Verification of Complex Real-time Systems. Asst. Professor, Towson State University. View the thesis
  13. Richard Min, August 2009, Thesis: Predicate Answer Set Programming with Coinduction. Taylor University. View the thesis
  14. Srividya Kona, Dec. 2007, Thesis: Automatic Discovery and Composition of Web Services, Associate Professor. Arizona State University.
  15. Ajay Bansal, Dec. 2007, Thesis: Next Generation of LP Systems. Assistant Professor, Arizona State University. (Won best paper award at ECOWS'05). View the thesis
  16. Qian Wang, Dec. 2007, Thesis: Semantics-based Approaches to Formal Language Processing, Interoperate LLC (best paper SVV'03). View the thesis
  17. Ajay Mallya, Aug. 2006, Ph.D. Thesis: Deductive Model Checking., Seattle, WA. (won best student paper award at ICLP'05; best paper award ECOWS'05).
  18. Luke Simon, July. 2006, Ph.D. Thesis: Coinductive Logic Programming. Twitter, Inc. (Won best paper award at ECOWS'05). View the thesis
  19. Haifeng Guo, Oct. 2000 , Ph.D. Thesis: Efficient Distributed and Tabled Logic Programming Systems. Ex NSF Post Doc. Fellow, SUNY SB. Professor, CS Dept. University of Nebraska at Omaha. Awarded Nebraska EPSCOR Career grant. Currently at
  20. Enrico Pontelli, 1997, Ph.D. Thesis: Design and Implementation of the ACE System. Currently, Dean of A&S, NMSU. Awarded NSF CAREER grant, 1998;

Current PhD students:

  1. Huaduo Wang, Scalable Explainable AI with Default Logic
  2. Parth Padalkar, Neurosymbolic AI
  3. Abhiramon Rajasekharan, NLP with commonsense reasoning
  4. Yankai Zeng, PhD Student, NLP with commonsense reasoning
  5. Sopam Dasgupta, Topic: TBD
  6. Keegan Kimbrell, Topic: TBD

Master's Students (with information on first employment)

  1. Dhruv Pendharker (2018, Uber), Converting Free Text to Knowledge; View the thesis
  2. Savio Monteiro, (2010, UTD CE PhD student), Mobile Aural Browsing.
  3. Abhilash Tiwari (2009, NPI), Intelligent Interfaces for Problem Solving
  4. Shrirang Khisti(2008, VMWare), Automatic Detection of Memory Leaks in Binary Executables
  5. Parag Doshi(2007, Yahoo), General Strategies for Buffer Overflow Attack Proofing
  6. Bharathi Boyareddigari, Thesis: Guidance System for Visually Impaired
  7. Aanchal Jain (2006, Tektronix), Thesis: Automatic Generation of Interactive Talking Books
  8. Siddharth Chitnis(2006, QualComm), Thesis: Logical Spreadsheets
  9. Sriram Sunder Raman (2005, QualComm), Thesis: Dynamic Aural Web Navigation.
  10. Ramya Reguramalingam (2005, (12/05), Thesis: Buffer Attack-proofing of Binary Code.
  11. Rekha Ramesh (2005, Metallect), Thesis: Automatic Meeting Scheduling Server
  12. Madhu Yennamani (2004, Novomatic), Thesis: Constraint-based Timetable Generation
  13. Ramakrishnan Venkitaraman (2004, QualComm), Thesis: Static Program Analysis of DSP Software Systems
  14. Kunal Patel (2004, Network Inference, Inc.), Thesis: Semantically Processing the Semantic Web
  15. Vinay Ahuja (2003, Intelligenxia, Inc.), Thesis: Strategies for Robocup Soccer
  16. Hemamber Reddy (2004, Metallect Corp), Thesis: Dynamically Navigable VoiceXML
  17. Narayan Annamalai (2002, Intervoice), Thesis: Extensible Translator from HTML to VoiceXML View the thesis
  18. Xinhong Zhou (2001, Sabre, Inc.), Project: Transforming DTDs to DCGs.
  19. Larry King (2000, Honeywell Research Center), Thesis: Course scheduling with Constraint Logic Programming.
  20. C-C Cheng (2000, Cadence Design, Inc.). Project: Automatic Generation of XML Parsers
  21. Nayana Datta (2000, Synopsis, Inc.). Thesis: Semantics-based Interoperability.
  22. Hai-Feng Guo (1999, on to Ph.D.). Thesis: Semantics-based Nemeth to Latex Backtranslation.
  23. Jose Mendez (1998, Argodata), Thesis: NMSU Advising and Audit System.
  24. Shameem Akhter (1998, Intel). Thesis: Knowledgesheet: A Spreadsheet Interface for CLP Programs. See Shameem's latest work: the first book on programing multicore architectures.
  25. Federico Bassetti (1997, Los Alamos National Labs). Thesis: Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems.
  26. Jung-Wook Bang (1997, on to Ph.D. @ Imperial College, UK). Thesis: Automated Medical Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disorders.
  27. Rick Vaupel (1996, Lockheed). Thesis: Visualization of And-Or Parallel Execution.
  28. Haren Babu (1995, IBM.). Thesis: Or-parallelism on Distributed Machines.
  29. Greg Luce (1994, employment info. n/a). Project: Design/Impl. of a Parallelizing Compiler.


My full CV (pdf format)


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