To run the pancake program, open the Pancake.html file in your browser with Java enabled. This will start an application which allows you to enter individual strings. Type in the string, such as: B S* _ H _ ~A I _ ~C _ T* into the "objects" field. Then type 9 into the Total Steps field (this will limit the search to 9 levels deep, so that it will not take so long - some of the solutions are as long as 12 steps, so the number will need to be revised). Then press the "Flip" button. The output will appear in the box, and this example will fail in 4 places, as in the paper. Those places are covered by further breadth searching. The other fields, such as G+P case, and Output File are optional, for bookeeping or as a hint to the program which might speed it up. They are unnecessary for the purposes of the paper. The "score" output for each case has the reverse sense of the "deficits" in the paper, so positive is considered failure.