function [HEADER_MAT, FEATURE_MAT] = htk2ark(list_fea_htk, fname_ark_out) % [HEADER_MAT, FEATURE_MAT] = htk2ark(list_input_htk_feature_files, filename_ark_feature_file_out) % % Reads htk feature files from the input list and stores all of them in single output ark file. % Produces corresponding .scp list file. % Generates HEADER_MAT and FEATURE_MAT that contain ark-style file information and the corresponding features. % Requires the Voicebox function readhtk being avaliable on the system and in the path. % Requires ark2scp() function in the path. Avalable at % % % Copyright 2013 Hynek Boril, Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS), The University of Texas at Dallas % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License. % % Contact: [fnames_fea_in] = char(textread(list_fea_htk,'%s')); number_of_files = size(fnames_fea_in); number_of_files = number_of_files(1); HEADER_MAT = []; % matrix of headers - each row contains token filename, number of frames, number of dimensions per frame, and start and end row index in the FEATURE_MAT matrix where the features will be stored FEATURE_MAT = []; % matrix of concatenated feature vectors from all tokens FEATURE_MAT_row_counter = 1; FID_ARK = fopen(fname_ark_out, 'w'); %------- Read in HTK features ---------- for z = 1:number_of_files, fname_fea_in = fnames_fea_in(z,:); [fea, frame_period_per_sec, data_type, data_type_full, data_type_ascii] = readhtk(fname_fea_in); fea_size = size(fea); no_frames = uint32(fea_size(1)); fea_vector_length = uint32(fea_size(2)); if (isempty(regexp(fname_fea_in, '/'))) % test if filename contains a path fea_name_raw = fea_name_in; % if no path present, take this as the raw name else fea_name_raw = regexp(fname_fea_in, '.*\/(\w*)', 'tokens'); fea_name_raw = fea_name_raw{1}; end HEADER_MAT = [HEADER_MAT; {char(fea_name_raw)}, no_frames, fea_vector_length, FEATURE_MAT_row_counter, FEATURE_MAT_row_counter + no_frames - 1]; FEATURE_MAT_row_counter = FEATURE_MAT_row_counter + no_frames; FEATURE_MAT = [FEATURE_MAT; fea]; end %------- Write features into ark file ---------- for z = 1:number_of_files, fea_name_raw = char(HEADER_MAT(z, 1)); fwrite(FID_ARK, fea_name_raw, 'char'); fwrite(FID_ARK, ' ', 'char'); fwrite(FID_ARK, 0, 'uint8'); fwrite(FID_ARK, 'BFM ', 'char'); fwrite(FID_ARK, 4, 'uint8'); no_frames = cell2mat(HEADER_MAT(z, 2)); fwrite(FID_ARK, no_frames, 'uint32'); fwrite(FID_ARK, 4, 'uint8'); fea_vector_length = cell2mat(HEADER_MAT(z, 3)); fwrite(FID_ARK, fea_vector_length, 'uint32'); fea_index_start = cell2mat(HEADER_MAT(z, 4)); fea_index_end = cell2mat(HEADER_MAT(z, 5)); fea_act = FEATURE_MAT(fea_index_start:fea_index_end, :)'; fwrite(FID_ARK, fea_act(:), 'float32'); end fclose(FID_ARK); %------- Produce corresponding scp file ---------- status = ark2scp(fname_ark_out);