External Links
Added 3/16/2023.  Article on Experienced Software Engineers Wanted. From Design News Daily. The article says that people they hire don't necessarily know their specific technology, but they expect that being a lifelong learner is a key attribute of new employees.  It goes on to say that you should put some of your personal projects on your resume.  It also gives some insights into what a typical software engineer's day looks like.
Article about learning hard things.  Some people consider computer science to be hard. Added 9/22/2021. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-hardest-part-about-learning-hard-things?utm_source=pocket-newtab
Elon Musk's Five Steps for Successful Engineering (Also under Five Steps for Building Anything Complicated.)  From August 16, 2021.  Les Arnold, thanks for the link.
Interesting article about Donald Knuth, author of The Art of Computer Programming books, added 4/22/2020
Scott Adams on How to Get a Real Education (from The Wall Street Journal)
Computer Science Education article from EE Times (The author, Robert Dewar, was my thesis advisor)
Why Aren't Engineering Students Happier? Because It's Hard.
Video of Dr. Ben Carson's speech at the White House Prayer Breakfast, 2/8/2013  (Great points on education)
Video of Brett Victor talking about Inventing on Principle (about an hour, and worth it.)  3/1/2013
Java Swing Tutorials, straight from the source's mouth.  These are Sun's, and very good. 2/6/2014
Don't follow your passion.  Become passionate about somthing useful, since just following your passion is generally a good way to go broke.  Funny and useful PragerU video.
The Age of Privacy had a good run, but it's over.  Here is a blog entry with interesting links to see just how much Google, Facebook, and the rest know about you: https://twitter.com/iamdylancurran/status/977559925680467968