CS 6390 - Advanced
Computer Networks
Fall 2019
In this course, we will cover both the classical/fundamental
topics in computer networks and a number of current/recent research topics related
to modern computer networks. Most of the advanced research topics are relevant
to Internet related research topics and they are mostly in Layer 3 and above
(we will not be looking at problems in DLL or in physical layer). Most of the
classical topics will be covered following the Peterson and Davie book. The
research topics will be covered by reading/following the research papers (I
will provide a list of papers with pointers to soft copies).
Course Syllabus
Tentative Schedule
Lecture time/place: Monday/Wednesday 1:00pm to 2:15pm
(Location: CB1.104 ECSS 4.910)
Instructor Information
Dr. Kamil Sarac (ksarac@utdallas.edu)
Office: ES 4.207
Phone: 972 883 2337
Office hours: Monday/Wednesday
11:30am to 12:30pm and by appointment at other times
Teaching Assistant:
Office: TBA
Office Hours: TBA
- Class participation in
terms of asking questions is highly encouraged. Please do not hesitate to
ask questions no matter how simple you might think the answer could be.
This type of interaction helps improve the effectiveness of the class and
breaks the monotony.
- The presentation slides
will be available on the e-Learning system. I will try to put them
up before each class meeting but no guarantees on that.
- Home
should be returned before/on due date and on time. NO LATE HOMEWORK will
be accepted.
- Unless otherwise stated,
all the home works should be your own work. You may discuss your solution
ideas with your class mates but the final solutions you return should be
your own work.
- After the grades for
your mid-term and assignments are announced, you will have one week to
appeal for your grades. So, please keep this in mind if you think that
there is a problem/issue with the grading of your work.
- You should plan on
taking the exams on the scheduled times. No late/early exams unless in
case of an emergency situation such as health emergency or similar
un-avoid-able situations and you need to provide convincing documentation
for it. The exams will be closed books and closed notes. No calculators
(unless otherwise stated) and no other electronic devices such as cell
phones, beepers, etc. should be used during the exam.