Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00pm–2:15pm

ECSS 2.203

Instructor: Emily Fox <emily.fox@utdallas.edu>

Writing Policies and Advice

This page contains general policies and advice regarding writing of homework solutions.

Form: How to Write

The most important thing to keep in mind is to be nice to the grader. If your solutions are difficult to read, they will be far less lenient with mistakes. If they are impossible to read, you will receive no credit.

Content: What to Write

The most important thing here is to answer the right question. No matter how good your solution is, it is useless if you answer a question we didn't ask. If the question is unclear, ask for clarification!

Often, homework problems will ask you to describe an algorithm. For CS 6363, you will need to include the following things to get full credit:

We may sometimes deviate from these default requirements or may break them down into individual problem parts. Answer the right question!

Bad Habits

Finally, here are some bad writing and thinking habits that come up often in algorithms and other discrete math courses. Doing one of the things in this list is often a huge red flag that either you aren't explaining things correctly (so we can't grade what you know) or worse, that you aren't thinking of things correctly. We reserve the right to severely dock your score if you break any of the following rules.

Along the same lines, resist the temptation to prove something "for \(n + 1\)" using the assumption that it's true for \(n\). Now you're doing weak induction, and you're tempted to build a special case of the next problem size up instead of proving something for the general case. I realize you may have been given a template that says otherwise, but think of it this way: Induction is really just a fancy setup for direct proofs, and it would be odd to start a proof with "consider an arbitrary object of size \(n + 1\)." So instead, you should take your arbitrary object of size \(n\), assume your statement is true about objects of any size \(k < n\), and finish your argument about the original object of size \(n\).