Title: Collaborative Grant: Maintaining Diversity in the US High-Tech Sector
Principal Investigator: Roli Varma
Co-investigator: Meghna Sabharwal
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF). Science, Technology, and Society Division
Period: March 2017 - February 2019
Amount: $217,155 (76,969 to UTD)
Current Status: Funded
Title: Return Migration of Academic Scientists and Engineers from the United States to India
Principal Investigator: Meghna Sabharwal
Co-investigator: Roli Varma
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF). Grant #1230091 Science, Technology, and Society Division
Period: September 2012- August 2015, $197,189 ($146,617 to UTD)
Title: The State of Wellness Programs in Local Governments Across The United States
Investigators: Meghna Sabharwal and L. Douglas Kiel
EPPS Advisory Council Grant, 2012, $5,000
Title: Current Trends and Emerging Issues in Asia-Pacific HRM
Principal Investigator: Meghna Sabharwal
Travel grants received from the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSRP) and The School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences (EPPS) to conduct research on civil servants in India.
Period – Summer 2011, $3,000. Office of Sponsored Research, UTD ($2,000) and EPPS ($1,000)