HumanID File Naming System

Format: aaaaabcdd.type, where,

aaaaa= subject number

b= type of imagery (d for digital still or v for digital video)

c= session number (a1 for each image collected during a participant’s 1st session, a 2 for each image collected during a participants 2nd session, etc.)

dd= specific video or still image(see below)

.type= compression format (.tif, .pct, .dv, .mov, etc.)

examples: 12345d101.tif, 12345v110.dv

Image list:

01 exploratory still —90°

02 exploratory still —67.5°

03 exploratory still —45°

04 exploratory still —22.5°

05 exploratory still 0°

06 exploratory still 22.5°

07 exploratory still 45°

08 exploratory still 67.5°

09 exploratory still 90°

10 video exploration 10 seconds

11 facial speech 5 seconds

12 animated speech

13 happiness all emotions: 5 seconds

14 sadness

15 fear

16 disgust

17 anger

18 puzzlement

19 laughter

20 blank stare

21 reading

28 surprise

29 boredom

22 other emotion

23 other emotion

24 other emotion

25 parallel gait the whole shot

26 perpendicular gait 4 seconds

27 conversation 10 seconds