Courses taught by Prof. William J. Pervin




FALL 2013

CS 4384 Automata Theory
(3 semester hours) See the HomePage for further information and details.


CS 5349 Automata Theory
(3 semester hours) See the HomePage for further information and details.

FALL 2012

ENGR 3300 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
(3 semester hours) See the HomePage for further information and details.


EE/CS 2310 Introduction to Digital Systems (Computer Organization and Design)
(3 semester hours) See the HomePage for further information and details.


EE 2300 Applied Linear Algebra (Last offered Fall 2008)
(3 semester hours) See the official SYLLABUS. See the HomePage for further information and details.

EE/TE 3341 Probability & Statistics (Last offered Fall 2005)
(3 semester hours) This is a required course for EE & TE majors. It follows Calculus. See the HomePage for further information and details.
TE 3346 Computer Algorithms & Data Structures (Last offered Spring 2003)
(3 semester hours) This is a required course for TE majors. It follows TE 3307 (or CS 2305 for those who already took that course). NOTE: CS 3305 is no longer required at all for TE majors. See the HomePage for further information and details.
CS 4380 Senior Design Project (last offered Fall 2002)
(3 semester hours) Click here for a course outline.

NOTE: Although this course was earlier listed as a way to satisfy the "Advanced Writing" requirement, it is no longer available to substitute for "Technical Writing".
CS 1315/2315 Computer Science I/II in Java™ (Last offered: Fall/Spring 2002/2002)
(3 semester hours each) This is the Honors (CV) section and requires special permission for enrollment. Some experience in programming (Pascal or C) is required. As an experiment, we will use the new Java™ programming language rather than C++. They are similar, however, and before the year is over we will consider their differences. We will also cover an introduction to Data Structures. See the HomePage for further information and details.
CS 2305 Discrete Mathematics for CS I (Last offered: Summer 2001)
(3 semester hours) See Discrete Mathematics for CS I for detailed information.
CS 4384 Automata Theory (Last offered: Spring 2001; Honors Section offered Spring 2013)
(3 semester hours) A review of the abstract notions encountered in machine computation. Topics include: Finite Automata, Regular Expressions, Pushdown Automata, Context-free Languages, Turing Machines, Undecidability.
See CS5349 for a similar course outline.
CS 6V81-502/4V95-501 Digital Signal Processing for CS Students (Last offered: Fall 2000)
(3 semester hours) See Digital Signal Processing for CS Students for detailed information. This was an interesting experiment. We tried to introduce CS students to an extremely important field. It demonstrated that Graduate CS students have so little mathematical background that they cannot learn this material, even using a text designed to minimise the needed mathematical background!
CS 4337 Programming Languages (Last offered: Spring 2000)
(3 semester hours) Standard undergraduate course on the Structure and Design of Programming Languages. Programming projects in ML, Scheme, and Prolog were assigned.
Prerequisites: CS 2305 and CS 2315
Text: (That semester only) Programming Languages by Louden. Click here for a course outline.
CS 6371 Structure and Design of Programming Languages (Last offered: Fall 1999)
(3 semester hours) Standard graduate course on the Structure and Design of Programming Languages which does not, unfortunately, require the undergraduate course as prerequisite. Programming projects in Scheme, Haskell, and Prolog were assigned.
Prerequisites: CS 5343 and CS 5349 (UNIX experience helpful)
Text: (That semester only) Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 4th Ed. from Addison-Wesley, 1999.
For a tentative Syllabus click here. For an outline click here.
You may download code examples and compilers by clicking here.
CS 3336 Java™ Programming (Last offered: Summer 1999)
(3 semester hours) Numerous programming projects in Java.
Prerequisite: CS2315 in C++, CS 3333, or CS 3335, or equivalent C++ programming experience. This is not a first programming course!
CS 3345 Algorithm Analysis & Data Structures (Last offered: Fall 1998)
(3 semester hours) [Formerly CS4345] Metrics for performance evaluation of algorithms. Formal treatment of basic data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees. Various sorting and searching techniques. Fundamental graph algorithms.
Prerequisites: CS 2315 and CS 3305.
Text: (That semester only) Goodrich & Tamassia, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Wiley 1998. Note that Java is not a prerequisite but at least a good knowledge of C++ is required so the Java part will not require any significant time. Click here for a course outline.
CS 2325 Computer Organization (Last offered: Fall 1997)
(3 semester hours) Introduction to the aspects of computer architecture with which computer scientists need to be familiar in order to use computers intelligently in their work. The course uses the assembler language for the Intel 80X86 processors to illustrate arithmetic and logical operations, subroutine linkage, exception handling, and other topics. Text: Assembly Language for the IBM PC Family, (2nd Edition) by William B. Jones. Click here for a course outline.
CS 6360 Database Design (Last offered: about 1986)


General Topology, Algebraic Topology, Numerical Analysis, Complex Variables, Real Variables, Advanced Calculus, Projective Geometry, Differential Equations, and others.

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