CS 1315/2315

Computer Science I/II in Java™

FALL 2001/SPRING 2002

Collegium V

Prof. William J. Pervin

Welcome to the CS1315/2315 (CS I/II in Java™) home page. Students should use this site whenever possible in order to reduce everyone's paper load (and copying costs).

Please visit this page frequently. It will be the most promptly updated source of information for the class. This page will also provide links to handouts and homework assignments for those who are traveling out of town, hints for the problems, etc.


Students who know some C++ will be challenged to learn the greater part of the new Java™ programming language. They should obtain experience in writing significant programs in this language. During the second semester we will also introduce many of the basic data structures used in computer programming. We will also discuss the differences between Java and C++.

T.A.: None
e-mail: None
Office Hours: None

Announcements (last updated 3/22/02)
Assignments (due dates and hints) (last updated 3/22/02)
Handouts (code) (last updated 11/15/01)

Please feel free to communicate with Prof. Pervin by email at any time.

Send email to Prof. Pervin

This page is always under construction!


Office Hours:

MTWR 10:45a.m. to 11:15a.m. and by appointment in EC 4.626


Deitel & Deitel, Java: How to Program, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2002!

It is expected that the text material will be studied outside of class before it is needed to follow the discussion in class. In addition, you will be expected to read, by yourself, some material from the text not covered in class. We will not, of course, cover everything in this book! Projects are based on material covered or described in class; even if not in the text. P.S., There is also an Advanced Java book now available from these authors.


Check out

which has been used for CS3336. It has lots of very new material from Java2 but is rather hard to read at many places. Notice that SUN changed the designation of the latest version of Java from 1.2 to 2 at the last minute and this picture and many references in the text still show the old version number!

Helpful additional references are "on reserve" in the library and at many web-sites. See, in particular, the SUN web-site with the Java Tutorial which is definitive and helpful.

Another book I like is:
Teach Yourself Java 2 Platform in 21 Days Professional Reference Edition because it gives many good examples.

Still another book which you can get from the web is:
Thinking in Java, 2nd Ed. Yes, it can actually be downloaded at no charge!

New book by Horstmann and Cornell:

Another new book compares Java to C++:


For CS1315: Some experience programming in C++.
For CS2315: CS1315 in Java.


The awarding of grades will be subjective but fair. Details will be given in class and through this "Homepage"; consult it regularly. The grade will be dependent on the quality of the homework.


CS 1315 - FALL 2001

  1. (08-27) Introduction. Textbook and reference books available on the web. How to download Java. How to write Java applications, compile them, and run them.
  2. (08-29) Chapter Two and first homework assignments. Look at applications and an applet.
  3. (09-05) Turn in first homework. Discuss it. Look at code from book and handouts. Demonstrate redirection of input and output; use of "pio.class"; proper use of comments and testing.
  4. (09-10) Chapter Three: Quick overview of Applets since the next chapters concentrate on Applications. Start Chapter Four (Control Structures): if, while.
  5. (09-12) Finish Chapter Four and start Chapter Five (Control Structures 2): for, switch, break, continue, logical operators.
  6. (09-17) Finish Chapter Five.
  7. (09-19*) Review Chapters 1 through 5.
  8. (09-24) Go over homework 3 (lots of subtle things). Consider concepts in Chapter Six (Methods = Functions).
  9. (09-26) Examination I (30%) Chapters 1 through 5.
  10. (10-01) Go over examination. Note integer division.
  11. (10-03) Finish Chapter 6
  12. (10-08) Start Chapter 7 (Arrays)
  13. (10-10) Continue Chapter 7. Give a derivation and justification for InsertionSort, QuickSort, and MergeSort.
  14. (10-15) Finish Chapter 7 with further material on Data Structures preparing for OOP.
  15. (10-17) Start Chapter Eight.
  16. (10-22) Finish Chapter Eight.
  17. (10-24) Start Chapter Nine.
  18. (10-29) Review Chapters 6,7,8 for test.
  19. (10-31) Halloween Celebration
  20. (11-05) Chapter Nine.
  21. (11-07) Examination II (30%)
  22. (11-12) Finish Chapter Nine (Dynamic Polymorphism)
  23. (11-14) Start Chapter Ten.
  24. (11-19) Continue Chapter 10
  25. (11-21) Start with description of final exam!
  26. (11-26) Finish Strings
  27. (11-28) Discuss final project
  28. (12-03) Discuss final project and Data Structures
  29. (12-05) The final project is an important part of the grade. It will be due on December 5th so you can make a great impression with a terrific program.

CS 2315 - SPRING 2002

(Even more tentative, of course)

  1. (01-14) Introduction. Reference to "decafe".
  2. (01-16) Chapter 11 started with examples of decafe.
  3. (01-23) Chapter 11 continued.
  4. (01-28) Examples showing centering of frame in window and writing applets which can run as applications.
  5. (01-30) Start Chapter 12.
  6. (02-04) Chapter 12.
  7. (02-06) Finish Chapter 12.
  8. (02-11) Start Chapter 13.
  9. (02-13) Continue
  10. (02-18) Chapter 13.
  11. (02-20) Finish Chapter 13.
  12. (02-25) Data Structures: 2,3,4-Trees
  13. (02-27) Data Structures: B-Trees
  14. (03-04) Data Structures: Sorting
  15. (03-06) Review
  16. (03-11) Spring Break
  17. (03-13) Spring Break
  18. (03-18) Start Chapter 14.
  19. (03-20) Some examples of GUIs
  20. (03-25) Finish Chapter 14.
  21. (03-27) Start Chapter 15 (hard stuff)
  22. (04-01) " (Multithreading)
  23. (04-03) "
  24. (04-08) Chapter 16 (Multimedia)
  25. (04-10) "
  26. (04-15) "
  27. (04-17) "
  28. (04-22) Quick look at Chapter 17 (Files)
  29. (04-24) Chapter 21 (Networking)
  30. (04-29) " [BE HERE ON TIME!!]
  31. (05-01) Review
NOTE: Do not fall behind in working on your projects; in fact, start on your homework as soon as possible. Details will be explained in class and on this "Homepage".


(100%) The detailed assignments will be given in class and through this "Homepage".

Remember that anything you submit for a grade, such as your homework, must be all your own work. While there is no official "Honor Code" at UT-D, there are clear rules concerning "Scholastic Dishonesty" so please avoid even the appearance of impropriety.