Students should use this site whenever possible in order to reduce everyone's paper load (and copying costs). Please visit this page frequently. It will be the most promptly updated source of information for the class. This page will also provide lecture notes, homework assignments for those who are traveling out of town, hints for the problems, etc. Also check eLearning every day.
(Last update: 1/1/2014)
(See the Lecture notes in PowerPoint)
Handouts (additional material,
answers to examinations) (Last update:
Lectures (class
notes as PowerPoint Slides)
(Last updated: 5/01/2014)
CS 4384 Automata Theory (3 semester hours)
and nondeterministic finite automata, regular expressions, regular sets;
context-free grammars, pushdown automata, context-free languages. Selected
topics from Turing Machines and undecidability.
Prerequisite: CS 3305
"Theory of
Computation", by Anil Maheshwari & Michiel Smid, Carleton University.
(Free Download:) Theory
of Computation
"Automata Theory"
web-course by Jeffrey Ullman on coursera
(Free Download:) Ullman
JFLAP computer program and tutorial
(Free Download:) JFLAP
Please feel free to communicate with Prof. Pervin by email at any time.
Send email to Prof. Pervin(
Office Hours: TWR 10:0am-11:00am; and by appointment in ECSN4.626.
Office Hours: TBA
Office: TBA
e-mails: TBA