Regulation of Business and Financial
A statement of basic principles
This course revolves around the application of some basic concepts or
Regulation refers to a set of activities, government by regulatory laws,
known as regulations, some of them deriving from Congress and implemented by
the Executive, the President, and some deriving directly from the Executive
(executive orders) – but both are implemented by the Executive. The people,
human beings like us, who carry out these activities of regulation are called
regulators. They are a large group.
In every case, without exception, the implementation of regulation is
subject to four basic, and closely related, problems.
Each one by itself is formidable. As we go through the various types of
regulation we need to keep them in mind. Here is a brief description of each.
· Type I / Type II errors
· knowledge and incentive problems
· costs and benefits
burden of proof
· costs and benefits
Associated with each set of regulations is a set of stated, or
understood, objectives. There are presumed benefits that follow from the
achievement of these benefits (though it is important to ask to whom these
benefits will go). There may also be benefits that are not obvious and may be
unintended. Much less emphasized, however, there are always costs
associated with the implementation of regulations. Some of these costs are
stated, most are not, and many are unintended. The costs are almost always
underestimated and are frequently greater than the benefits.
We are leaving aside here the question of how to value the costs and
benefits. Strictly speaking there is no objective way to do this because value
is subjective and cannot simply be added up across people. We follow the usual
practice of assuming that market prices and costs can be used.
· Type I / Type II errors
All regulation entails actual or potential coercion, intrusion into
the private decisions of individuals. As such there are only two justifications
for regulation of private activities.
People must be protected from making mistakes –
people are too stupid and uninformed to be allowed to make their own
unregulated decisions. So, for example, we need to regulate what they use as
There are some things, “public goods,” that we
must have to survive as a society, like defense from invasion or from the
criminals among us. And if the government does not provide them they will not
be provided. This is a justification for the levying of taxes in order to
acquire resources for the production of these public goods. So
it is an indirect form of regulation of the resources of the economy.
In this course, we shall consider mainly number 1. We shall consider this
principle – that people are too stupid and uninformed to be allowed, in every
case, to make their own decisions, and mistakes - a little more fully below.
The implementation of any regulatory policy is fraught with
uncertainty. Often the scientific principles that underlie the regulation are
unproven. Knowledge is continually changing. As a result, there are always
errors. No single regulatory policy is exempt from the committing of errors. We
may divide these errors into two categories.
Failure to achieve the prime objective of any set of regulations can
be thought of as a Type I error. It is the error we, as a matter of policy,
want most to avoid. So, for example, in the case of medicines, it is the error
of allowing an unsafe, or unproven, drug to be used. In the criminal justice system a Type I error is the error of convicting an innocent
In order to avoid these errors, regulatory policy implicitly commits
other errors – like the error of failing to approve a safe drug for use by
people who might benefit from it. These implicit, often invisible, errors can
be called Type II errors. In the criminal justice system, a Type II error is
the error of failing to convict a guilty person.
It is important to note that the more Type I errors we avoid, the more
Type II errors we will commit, and vice versa. See if you can explain this to
yourself using examples. Also remember, Type I and II errors are not given to
us from the nature of the situation. They are categories that we, the
policy-makers, impose on the situation to guide our actions. They reflect our
values and motivations.
· knowledge and incentive problems
Consider again the first justification for regulation listed above -
that people are too stupid and uninformed to be allowed, in every case, to make
their own decisions, and mistakes. Certainly this, in itself, is not a
self-evident principle, and it is certainly not consistently applied – you can
think of many exceptions where people are left to make their own, good or bad,
decisions. And we should wonder how it is that the regulators are in a better
position, and can be trusted to make the right decisions for those being
the last few decades a new approach to this question has arisen under the
umbrella of a branch of economics known as “behavioral economics”. Behavioral
economics investigates cases of individual actions that are said to be mistaken
in the sense that they are “irrationally” not in the individual actor’s own
interests. A huge literature documents cases where individual actions can be
shown to be inconsistent with a given set of preferences, or inconsistent with what
economists identify as required norms of rationality, taken from the discipline
of “neoclassical economics”. And this is given rise to numerous policy
prescriptions identified as the “new paternalism” – policies designed to
encourage (nudge) individuals to act in a way that is more in tune with their
“true” interests.
raises the question of the nature of the regulators themselves. Who are they?
What motivates them? Are they superhuman, super-knowledgeable, or are they just
like the rest of us? In this course we shall assume that regulators are just
human beings, like us, with their own particular self-interests and limited
knowledge. This means that every single regulatory action is subject to two
kinds of difficult problems, incentive and knowledge problems.
An incentive problem – the problem of ensuring that the regulator
acts in accordance with the goals and objectives stated in the policy (the
“public interest”) rather than in accordance with his/her own private goals and
objectives (“private interest”). Many (most?) courses on regulation simply
assume that regulators act in the public interest. We may call this the Public
Interest approach to analyzing regulation. In this course we shall not make
this assumption. And we shall consider the public sphere as much driven by
private self-interest as the private sphere – this approach is call the Public Choice approach.
A knowledge problem – in addition, regulators, even if they are
unusually or perfectly publically interested, must face the problem of
determining how to implement any policy in order to achieve its stated
objectives and how to know whether and to what extent those
objective are being achieved. This includes the problem of monitoring
and judging the actions and effects of all those who are involved in the
policy-implementation. This may be an even more difficult problem than the
incentive problem.
a set of objective from the private to the public
sector does make it more easily achievable. In fact
the opposite is most often true.
· burden of proof
considering all of the above, there is the question of how we decide upon
regulatory policy in the first place. Merely identifying a potential need for
any regulation is insufficient. One must consider all of the costs and
benefits, including the costs of errors that will be committed, and the
knowledge and incentive problems that are involved in implementing it. These
will of course be uncertain. We cannot know ahead of time what kinds of errors
will be committed, how damaging they will be, and so on. And we cannot know how
easy or difficult it will be to incentivize those employed to implement the
policy and how difficult it will be for them to know what they need to know to
do so.
whether or not the policy is adopted, and further implemented or maintained,
depends crucially on where we put the burden of proof to justify it. This is
itself a Type I/II situation. Who should have the burden of proof, those who
propose a particular regulation because of certain benefits that they believe
will follow its implementation, or those who oppose it because of the intrusive
nature of all regulation and the costs they believe are associated with this particular
one. We cannot avoid this question, and where we place the burden of proof,
will very much determine how many and what kind of regulations we end up with.