Useful Resources
Graduate Research
Purpose of a Ph.D. program by Douglas Comer, Purdue University.
Useful things to know about Ph.D. thesis research by H.T. Kung, Harvard University
How to write a dissertation by Douglas Comer, Purdue University.
Twenty things I wish I'd known when I started my PhD
Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D.
Power Electronics and Energy
Introduction to Power Electronics - Ned Mohan
Interactive Power Electronics Seminar (iPES)
CUSP: Consortium of Universities for Sustainable Power
Animation of Electric Machines
Introductory Articles on Electric Motors
Electric Motor Design and Analysis Software
US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Ridley engineering
How2Power.com: Answering Your Questions about Power Design
The Electropaedia: Battery and Energy Technologies
Electronics Weekly.com - Power
Power Electronics News
Renewable Energy News
Circuits and Systems
Circuits and Systems Tutorials
A Guide to Simulation & Modeling for Analog and RF Circuit Designers
MOSIS Homepage
Overview of Circuit Simulator SPICE
Lessons in Electric Circuits
Socratic Electronics
dspGuru - DSP Tutorials
Steven Smith: The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
High Performance FPGA Design
EE Times
Engineering, Science, Technology
EurekaAlert! AAAS Technology & Engineering News
Science Daily News
Scientific American Tech News
Reddit Engineering
Reddit Science
Reddit Math GIFs: Math Concepts in Motion
Reddit Space