Tahrima Rahman
[ C 8 ] Tahrima Rahman, Shasha Jin and Vibhav Gogate, “Cutset Bayesian Networks: A New Representation for Learning Rao-Blackwellised Graphical Models”, IJCAI 2019. [PDF
[ C 7 ] Tahrima Rahman, Shasha Jin and Vibhav Gogate, “Look Ma, No Latent Variables: Accurate Cutset Networks via Compilation”, ICML 2019. [PDF]
[ C 6 ] Chiradeep Roy, Mahesh Shanbhag, Mahsan Nourani, Tahrima Rahman, Samia Kabir, Vibhav Gogate, Nicholas Ruozzi and Eric Ragan, “Explainable Activity Recognition in Videos using Dynamic Cutset Networks”, IUI 2019 workshop on Explainable Smart Systems (ExSS). [PDF]
[ C 5 ] Sara Rouhani, Tahrima Rahman and Vibhav Gogate, “Algorithms for the Nearest Assignment Problem”, IJCAI 2018. [PDF]
[ T 1] Tahrima Rahman, “Scalable Learning Approaches for Sum-Product-Cutset Networks”, Ph.D. thesis, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2016. [PDF]
[ C 2 ] Tahrima Rahman, Prasanna Kothalkar, and Vibhav Gogate, “Cutset Networks: A Simple, Tractable, and Scalable Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Chow-Liu Trees,” European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD), 2014. [PDF]
[ C 1 ] Tahrima Rahman and A.M.A. Elman Bashar, “An Associativity Based Energy Aware Clustering Technique for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks, 2010. [PDF]