Finance 6301

Class Meetings and Required Readings

Finance 6301 Section 001 will meet every Tuesday from 4:00-6:45 PM in Room SM 1.212. The required textbook for the course is the Seventh Edition of Corporate Finance by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe. During our first class meeting, on August 24, I plan to give an introductory lecture providing an overview of the course, with particular emphasis on the role of the opportunity cost of capital in determing the value of investment opportunities and making corporate financial decisions.

During the semester, I will make lecture notes, assigned homework, and detailed homework solutions for the assigned homework available on this Web site. Much of this material, which is listed below, is currently unavailable. I plan to revise many of these materials prior to making them available here on the web site. I hope to make the lecture notes for each Tuesday's lecture available by Monday at 7 PM. As you might expect, suggested solutions for the required homework will be unavailable until after the due date for the assignment.

Click on the 'Finance 6301 Syllabus' link below to download the Course Syllabus for Finance 6301. Those of you who prefer to use the 6th edition of Ross, Westerfield, and Jafee (rather than the more current 7th edition) should also download the reading assignments keyed to the 6th edition (reading assignments for the 7th edition are included in the syllabus).

To Download Lecture Notes , Homework Solutions or, Homework Assignments

Click on the highlighted file name to download the lecture notes and homework solutions listed below. Due to the inclusion of a significant number of formulas and equations in the lecture notes and homework solutions, these documents have been saved in a format which you may be unable to view from my Webb page. However, all of these documents can be downloaded to your PC. Once you have the document on your PC, you may examine the document visually using Word, Word Perfect, or other word processing packages and/or print out a copy for yourself. Due to a change in the format relative to the format used to create these documents, you may be able to dramatically reduce the number of pages required to print out the notes by eliminating a small number of carraige returns when there has been a 'page overrun'.

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  • Lecture Notes

    Homework Sets

    Homework Solutions

    The solutions to assigned homework are available on webct. Once you have logged into the webct site for the course, click on the Homework Solutions icon on the homepage. Clicking on this icon gives you access to the webct tool page where the solutions to assigned homework are store.

    Spreadsheet Exercises