Vibhav Gogate


Vibhav Gogate is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at Dallas. He got his Ph.D. at University of California, Irvine in 2009 and then did a two-year post-doc at University of Washington. His research interests are in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data mining. His ongoing focus is on probabilistic graphical models, their first-order logic based extensions such as Markov logic and probabilistic programming. He is a recipient of the national science foundation CAREER award and the co-winner of 2010 and 2012 UAI inference competitions.


My current focus is on tractable probabilistic modeling, combining probabilistic graphical models with deep learning for solving computer vision tasks and neuro-symbolic AI.

Lab Members

Research Scientistis and Postdocs

Current Ph.D. Students


  • Chiradeep Roy (Ph.D., 2022)

  • Sara Rouhani (Ph.D., 2021)

  • Shasha Jin (Ph.D., 2021)

  • Brij Malhotra, (M.S., 2021)

  • Li Chou (Ph.D., 2019)

  • David Smith (Ph.D., 2017)

  • Tahrima Rahman (Ph.D., 2016)

  • Somdeb Sarkhel (Ph.D., 2016)

  • Deepak Venugopal (Ph.D., 2015)

  • Srikanth Doss, (M.S., 2014)

  • Prasanna Kothalkar, (M.S., 2014)