Vibhav Gogate


  1. ipp-solver: A solver for integer polynomial programming problems. In this pre-release version only multi-linear programs are considered. The problem is first converted to an Intger Linear Program(ILP) and an ILP solver (Gurobi) is used to solve it exactly. Source, Binary Pre-Release Version 0.1-alpha, (Java, Requires Gurobi) [Paper PDF]

  2. Alchemy 2 The pre-release version of Alchemy 2.0 is available. Alchemy 2.0 is a software package for inference and learning in Markov logic networks (MLNs). As the name suggests, Alchemy 2.0 is based on the Alchemy software package. The novelty in Alchemy 2.0 is that it includes several lifted probabilistic inference algorithms.

  3. IJGP-sampling and SampleSearch for the PR and MAR tasks. A formula-based version of this solver won the PR track in the 20 min. and 1 hr. categories at the recently held UAI 2010 approximate inference challenge (the formula-based version will be available soon).

  4. SampleSearch for approximate Solution Counting.

  5. Iterative Join Graph Propagation (IJGP) for the MAR tasks. A solver based on this implementation won the MAR track in the 20 min. and 1 hr. categories at the recently held UAI 2010 approximate inference challenge.

  6. QuickBB for computing the treewidth of a graph. QuickBB is a complete, anytime algorithm for computing the treewidth of a graph. When given enough time, it yields an exact answer. When stopped before termination, it yields an upper bound on the treewidth. Other software available soon.