Vincent Ng

Professor of Computer Science
Director of the Computing Scholars Honors Program
Human Language Technology Research Institute
University of Texas at Dallas

Contact Information

Office hours for Fall 2024:    Mondays and Wednesdays 7:00-7:30 PM
ECSS 3.404
Phone: 972-883-4581
Fax: 972-883-2349
Email: vince at utdallas dot edu
Administrative assistant: Kiara Hackett (kiara dot hackett at utdallas dot edu)

Postal address:
Computer Science Department
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Road, MS EC31
Richardson, TX 75080-3021, USA

[ Research (Overview, Papers, Data, Code/Software, Talks) | Professional Activities | Teaching | Rankings | Miscellaneous ]

UT Dallas CS undergrads: If you received an A or A+ in one or more of my courses (or an A- or above in my honors course) and are interested in the Ph.D. program, feel free to come talk to me.

Upcoming Events

  • Visit to Kyoto University, NAIST, and Riken AI Research (March 22-31)
  • Visit to Texas A&M University (April 18)
  • Visit to Tencent Seattle AI Lab (June 25)
  • Visit to Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Symposium on NLP (July 12-13)
  • Summer School at Peking University (July 25-Aug 5): Artificial Intelligence
  • Visit to Nanjing University (August 6-9)
  • Visit to Carnegie Mellon University (October 4-5)
  • Joint NSF-JST-DATAIA Symposium, Kyoto, Japan (March 10-13)
  • Visit to University of Central Oklahoma (April 4): additional info forthcoming


My general research area is machine learning of natural language. My recent projects have focused primarily on developing unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning techniques for natural language processing, with the goal of reducing the amount of annotated data needed to build NLP applications and process resource-scarce languages. Areas in which my group has been working include:

Some items that may be of interest:

Professional Activities


  • CS 6301: Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing (Spring 2021)
  • CS 4365: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2006-2010, 2012-2023; Fall 2019)
  • CS 4365.HON: Artificial Intelligence Honors (Spring 2010-2014, 2017-2024)
  • CS 4375: Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2006-2009, 2011-2018, 2020-2023; Spring 2016, Summer 2021-2022)
  • CS 6364: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2009, 2011, 2024)
  • CS 6375: Machine Learning (Fall 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010; Spring 2014 (co-taught with Yang Liu))
  • CS 2305: Discrete Math for Computing I (Fall 2004)



  • I am the professor of artificial intelligence for the undergrads (poster courtesy of absolutefunk). I have had some good times with them in events like this and this.
  • I was asked many times whether Andrew Ng is my brother. He isn't, but we were introduced to each other by a common friend when we were undergrads.
  • In case you want to know whether you are my doctoral cousin, here is my doctoral ancestry (and the years in which they obtained their degrees): Claire Cardie (1994) → Wendy Lehnert (1977) → Roger Schank (1969) → Jacob Mey (1960) → Louis Hjelmslev (1923) → Holger Pedersen (1897).

Last modified: Fri Oct 25 23:17:56 2024

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