Note: Copyright may be owned by these having taken these pictures. Yvo Desmedt thanks all for having taken pictures and having e-mailed these and apologizes to these that e-mailed/gave him pictures which he did not put on the WWW.

year during conferences (banquet, excursion, lectures) during visits (research, etc.)
1986: NATO Advanced Study Institute  
2001: PKC 2001 White House Reception (May 24, 2001, with Richard Clarke (Cyber Security czar) and Michael J. Jacobs (Deputy Director NSA))
2002: Eurocrypt 2002 (rump session)  
2005: ACISP, CANS Prof. Xiaoyun Wang lecturing at UCL
2006: Asiacrypt, CANS Visiting Prof. Pieprzyk
2008: PKC, Eurocrypt  
2009:   Visiting Prof. Xiaoyun Wang in Beijing, Lecturing at Shandong University,
2010: Eurocrypt 2010 (IACR Fellow) Visiting Prof. Pieprzyk