
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus viverra, eros sed ullamcorper adipiscing, dolor ante aliquam justo, sed mollis turpis augue ut nisl. Nunc id orci metus, a rhoncus massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce sit amet arcu a dui mattis ultricies.

  • Hardware Trojans in analog/RF ICs and wireless networks:
    Exposing and demonstrating hardware-induced security and privacy vulnerabilities in analog/RF ICs and wireless networks, as well as developing appropriate mechanisms for preventing and detecting them.

  • Post-fabrication calibration of analog/RF ICs:
    Post-production and post-deployment calibration of analog/RF ICs for yield improvement and performance optimization using both software and hardware approaches employing on-die neural networks.

  • Modeling of advanced CMOS technologies:
    Characterization and design-oriented modeling of advanced semiconductor devices, with emphasis on thermal noise.

  • Low power IC design:
    Design of low-power CMOS RF front-ends (LNAs, mixers, etc.) using figures of merit based on the inversion coefficient.