Math 106: CALCULUS / FALL 2007


Instructor:  Barış Coşkunüzer

Office: Science 104



Office Hours: MW 16:30 - 17:30



Attendance: All students are required to attend classes and problem sessions. Faculty will take attendance. The students who fail to attend at least 2/3 of all lectures (days with a health report are also included) will automatically get an F grade. If you show up late for a lecture or leave early then you will be considered as absent for that day. There are 28 lectures in the Fall 2007, so you have to attend at least 19 of these lectures. Otherwise you will get an F grade no matter how you perform on the exams.


Cell Phones: Either do not bring your cell phone with you to the lectures or turn it off before the lecture starts.


Makeup: There will be only one common make-up exam for either a missed midterm exam or the final test (only for those students with a valid medical excuse approved by the university’s doctor and a committee). This make-up exam will take place at the end of the semester, after the final exam.  It will include all the material covered throughout the semester (even if it may be a make-up for a missed midterm).


Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty, including cheating on exams is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. University policies regarding this matter will be strictly enforced. Please read the section on academic dishonesty in the university catalog. 


Textbook: Thomas’ Calculus 11th Edition, Addison-Wesley


Math Help Center: Help center will operate in SCI B51 and will be open to all students Mondays-Thursdays: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00, Fridays: 9:30-12:00. The schedule of the assistant on duty and all the related announcements can be found at


Problem Sessions and Homework: There will be regular problem sessions. Homework problems will be posted on the web page. While these will not be collected, you should take them seriously and solve them. It is mandatory to attend the problem sessions.




HW Problems


1.2 - 3, 1.5 - 6

1.2. 29, 48, 54*, 66 + 1.3. 9, 21, 24, 29*, 30 + 1.5. 26, 28, 33*, 49*, 54* + 1.6. 5, 10*, 20*, 22, 48


2.2 - 6

2.2. 8, 19, 28, 31*, 40* + 2.4. 3*, 6, 17*, 34, 44, 48* + 2.5. 12, 19, 20*, 36*, 44* + 2.6 5, 6, 16*, 36*


2.7, 3.1 - 3

2.7 6*, 16*, 24, 25* + 3.1. 1, 10, 15*, 23, 27-30* + 3.2. 14, 23*, 30, 32 + 3.3. 2*, 7


3.4 - 6, 3.8

3.4. 8, 11, 18, 25*, 30, 44* + 3.5. 16, 25*,40, 50*, 59*, 70* + 3.6. 21*, 28, 36, 41, 49* + 3.8. 25*


4.1 - 3

4.1. 11-14, 23*, 38*, 54* +  4.2. 4, 10, 15*, 28, 42, 60* + 4.3. 5*, 7, 17* , 24, 34


4.4 - 6

4.4 1, 13*, 20, 35*, 42* + 4.5. 2, 4*, 7, 8*, 14*, 20 + 4.6 4, 14, 20, 23*, 31*, 32



4.8, 5.1 - 3

4.8.  8*, 16*, 28, 34, 37, 61 + 5.1. 1*,2, 6 + 5.2. 9*, 17, 20, 25 + 5.3. 6*, 11, 18*, 19*, 36, 50*, 51


5.4 - 6

5.4. 7, 16, 24*, 36*, 40, 43* + 5.5. 7, 16, 30*, 32, 46, 47*, 50 + 5.6. 2, 14*, 22, 32, 36*, 39*, 46*, 71


6.1 - 3, 6.5

6.1. 2*, 8, 20*, 36*, 44* + 6.2.  2, 6*, 10, 16*, 23*, 32* + 6.3. 2, 8*, 10 + 6.5. 2, 8, 14*


7.1 - 4, 7.7 - 8

7.1. 13, 22, 26*, 32*, 40 + 7.2. 19*, 29, 40, 49*, 68* + 7.3. 15, 24, 28*, 50* + 7.7. 14, 50* + 7.8. 10, 14*


8.1 - 4

8.1. 8, 27, 38*, 50, 58* + 8.2. 2, 6*, 16, 24*, 29* + 8.3. 8, 18*, 23* 30 + 8.4. 4*, 10,  16, 22*, 24



8.7 - 8, 11.1 -2

8.8. 4*, 10, 21*, 38, 52*, 60* + 11.1. 27, 34*, 44, 56*, 59*, 74 + 11.2. 6, 12*, 21, 27, 36, 42*, 48*


11.3 - 6

11.3. 6, 10*, 20, 22*, 28 + 11.4. 3, 8, 10*, 12*, 24*, 34 + 11.5. 4, 12, 22*, 26* + 11.6. 8, 14*, 24, 36, 38*


11.7 - 10

11.7. 8*, 16, 20*, 30*, 38* + 11.8. 2*, 6*, 10, 26*, 27 + 11.9. 4*, 8, 12, 34* + 11.10. 4*, 6, 10, 16*


(*) these problems will be solved at the Problem Sessions by the Teaching Assistants.


Tests: There will be two midterms and a final test. Any question regarding the grading of the tests should be brought to the attention of the instructor within one week after the graded tests have been announced. Your final course grade will be based on the following formula: 

Midterm 1 (30%)     Midterm 2 (30%)     Final (40%)


Old Exams: Math106 Old Exams

Review Problems: Review Final

Midterm 1 Questions & Solutions: Midterm 1

Midterm 2 Questions & Solutions: Midterm 2

Final Questions & Solutions: Final


Passing Grade:  At least 40 out of 100