Hsu group research focuses on fundamental science and applications in energy and optoelectronics. We employ solution synthesis for a wide variety of materials and apply short light pulses, instead of heating, for materials processing. Research projects include organic and perovskite photovoltaics, flexible electronics and solar cells, electrical and optoelectronic studies of materials and devices, inorganic materials for extreme UV resists, photonic processing of thin films, and machine learning approaches for synthesis and processing optimization.
We emphasize low-temperature solution synthesis and processing of inorganics that are compatible with organic materials and conducive to large-area manufacturing, and apply a wide variety of experimental techniques for materials characterization, including XRD, SEM/TEM, AFM, XPS, UV-vis absorption, ellipsometry, Kelvin probe, photoelectron spectroscopy in air (PESA), FTIR, and thermogavimetric analysis (TGA). We also perform solar cell, transistor, and capacitor device fabrication and testing. In particular, spectral-resolved quantum efficiency measurement and impedance spectroscopy under light are powerful in elucidating photoinduced charge generation, transport, and recombination. Numerical simulation methods are applied to explain experimental results.