Why Gender Studies?

School of General Studies

The University of Texas at Dallas


For your intellectual growth and curiosity:
        *You will encounter ideologies that have been used to explain women's and men's natures, roles, and societal functions.
        *You will be exposed to new scholarship, to feminist theory, and to critiques of feminism.
        *Your coursework in Gender Studies will revise and redefine scholarship in the traditional academic disciplines.

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For your personal growth:
         *You will encounter a rich and flexible liberal arts education which integrates knowledge across traditional academic boundaries.
         *You will enhance your awareness of the subliminal messages you receive about gender in the media, in everyday conversation, in your personal relationships, and in social and educational institutions.

For your career:
         *You will receive useful preparation for training in the professions: education, law, health sciences, social work, policy studies, or management.
         *You will enhance your opportunities to pursue postgraduate training in the social sciences and the humanities.
         *You will be well-prepared for for employment in management, human resources, public service, and sales.

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